Saturday, July 4, 2009

Aloo Bonda (Vurulaikilangu Bonda)


For Filling:

Potatoes 1/2 Kg
Big Onion 1
Finely cut gree chillies 2 tsps
Salt (Powder) As required
Chopped coriander leaves 2 Tbl Spn

For thick outer layer:

Bengal gram flour 1 Cup
Rice flour 1 Cup
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
Salt (Powder) As required
Cooking soda 2 pinches


For Filling:

Steam the potato in pressure cooker. Remove the skin and smash it well when potatoes are warm. Add all other ingredients in the for filling above add and mix well. You can add half lemon juice to this potato dough. It is optional. Then make it into lime size balls.

For thick outer layer:

Mix all the ingredients mentioned above with water and prepare a thick paste.

How to do Bonda:

Dip the balls one by one in the thick paste (dough) and put it in hot oil. Deep fry till golden brown and remove from kadai.

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